About Morgan Co. Drug Court & How To Apply
Morgan County Drug Court is a problem-solving, treatment court designed to assist individuals with a pending felony charge who are identified as a high to moderate risk and high need and substance dependent. Morgan County Drug Court (referred to as MCDC) operates under the umbrella of Morgan County Community Corrections and Court Services, as a partnership between the criminal justice system (law enforcement, prosecution, defense counsel, and the Court) and the treatment and recovery communities, based on a system of sanctions and incentives.

The goals of MCDC are to reduce criminal behavior and recidivism by providing an alternative to the traditional processing of drug cases. Evaluation, case management, treatment, education, drug screening, monitoring, life skills, food and housing assistance and other services are provided to offenders who are accepted into MCDC. MCDC targets adult offenders charged with felony offenses that need drug treatment and do not have a history of violence. A reduction in recidivism is expected due to the close monitoring of offenders throughout their involvement in the drug court program, as well as the anticipated adjustment in the offender’s socialization.
This program is a pre-adjudication program in which participants plead guilty to the charge(s) and the plea is held in abeyance while the participant completes drug court program requirements. Once program requirements are complete, the felony case(s) are dismissed.
The program can be completed in 15 months, but may take longer for some participants, depending on progress and compliance. Graduation results in the pending felony charge(s) being dismissed. Morgan County Drug Court is a 5-phase program.
Phase advancement depends on the participant remaining violation free for a specified number of days and accomplishing requirements/goals of the phase. Expectations increase as the participants’ sober time and ability grows.
For more information, email tjolley@morgancounty-al.gov or visit our office on the first floor of the Morgan County Courthouse.
The application and drug court contract are below. When applying for MCDC, both must be completed and signed. Completed applications and contracts can turned into Morgan County Community Corrections, on the first floor of the Morgan County Courthouse.