Healthy Relationships
Alabama has ranked in the top 10 for the last 60 years for the number of divorces. Fifty percent of all remarriages end in divorce. This is why PACT is passionate about healthy relationships and healthy marriages. Healthy relationships and healthy marriages make better parents. There are classes for teens and adults.
Teen Class
Relationship Smarts +
This class, which is held in every school in Morgan County, helps a teen identify what is their “RQ”. RQ stands for “Relationship Quotient”. In other words, identifying how much a teen knows about healthy relationships and what a healthy relationship looks like.
Adult Classes
PACT teaches many different parenting & healthy relationship classes:
Together We Can
- Can I co-parent with my child’s other parent peacefully?
- Can we co-parent when we are not being in-love?
- Am I a Disneyland Dad or a Merry Mom?
Couples Connecting Mindfully
-Couples Connecting Mindfully (CCM) is an evidence-informed curriculum built on the 7 NERMEM core skills for healthy and stable relationships and the strong evidence supporting mindfulness-based stress reduction practices
-CCM blends practical relationship strategies and tools, and emphasizes mindfulness practice as a tool for regulating the habitual and emotional reactions in order to care for oneself and for their partner
-CCM engages participants in learning through informational sharing, activities, discussions, skills practices, and videos
-The curriculum can benefit all couples regardless of cultural background, sexual orientation, or relationship status (i.e., dating, cohabitating, engaged, married)
-Elevate is an evidence-i nformed curriculum built on the 7 NERMEM core skills for healthy and stable relationsh ips and was developed in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Georgia and
Auburn University as part of the AHMREI
-Blends practical relationship strategies and tools,and introduces mindfulness practice as a tool for regulating the heart-brain response to stress
-Engages participants in learning through informational sessions, activities, skills practices, and videos
-Curriculum can benefit all couples regardless of relationship status (i.e.,dating,cohabitat ing, engaged, married)
All PACT classes are FREE!
To register call the PACT office at 256-355-7252.
Celebrate Healthy with PACT!
Auburn University's College of Human Sciences has received a grant totaling more than $8.2 million to support the work of the Alabama Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education Initiative (AHMREI), AU's Center for Children, Youth, and Families within the college received the five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of Family Assistance.
The initiative will support a variety of educational programs and resources offered throughout the state that support healthy relationships and marriages.
"Historically, this is an area that has not been a focus in programs and services for families, yet, we have research-based information that can be offered through educational programs to assist Alabamians building and sustaining healthy relationships and marriages."